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Discover the magic of the Payré river by canoe-kayak

Dive into the heart of preserved nature by joining our kayak tour, starting from the center of Talmont and ending at Veillon Beach. This unique experience offers you an unparalleled discovery of an exceptional natural site.

The route

The journey begins at the foot of Talmont Castle, with a meeting point at the Payré parking lot. You will embark on your kayak and let yourself be carried by the tranquil current of the Payré River.

A historical journey

Once used by boats in the Middle Ages and known as the "Salt Route" by the Romans, this river is now only accessible to small boats like canoes and kayaks.

A picturesque path

The route takes you along the river to Veillon Beach, passing by the Château de l'Évaillon and the oyster farms. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility of this preserved area.

Return by shuttle

No need to worry about the return trip; a free shuttle, "La Talmondaise," will take you from Veillon Beach back to your starting point in complete serenity and at the time you wish. Find the shuttle schedules here: Schedules 2024.

Professional guidance

Throughout the tour, an experienced and passionate instructor will accompany you. They will share the fascinating history of the construction of salt and fish marshes, as well as the beginnings of oyster farming in the region. You will also learn about the history of the Payré Estuary and its sandbar, enriching your experience of the surrounding nature.

Safety and comfort

This activity is supervised by a state-certified instructor, ensuring your safety throughout the route. The level: this tour is suitable for someone comfortable with a three-hour kayak trip.

Booking and rates

Available slots may vary depending on the tides, so it is recommended to book in advance to guarantee your place.

Price per person: €42.00

The odyssey - From the castle to Le Veillon - 3h00

VAT Included

    Hike lasting around 3h00, supervised by a state-certified instructor.

    Meet at the Gâtines car park 85440 Talmont Saint Hilaire 15 minutes before the start of the walk. 

    You will leave your belongings in our truck which will drop them off at the end of the hike. Bring a change of clothes for the arrival.

    Changing rooms, toilets and showers on arrival.


    - Loan of the boat

    - Loan of a life jacket

    - Loan of a paddle


    - Know how to swim 25 meters

    - Being able to immerse yourself

    - Compulsory closed shoes

    - Locker rooms M/F available on arrival


    - Annulation par le client :
    Si la balade réservée est annulée par le participant, le montant de la prestation est encaissé, sauf nouvelle date de programmation convenue en remplacement, ou sauf remplacement par d’autres participants sur les mêmes horaires.

    - Annulation par Paddle Aventure :
    En cas de conditions naturelles particulières (pluie, fort vent, températures extrêmes) ou lié à des événements extérieurs de force majeure, l’annulation d’une balade donne lieu au remboursement intégral de tout versement opéré par le client, sans donner droit à une quelconque indemnisation supplémentaire. Dans ce cas et en fonction de ses possibilités, Paddle Aventure facilite et conseille l’organisation d’activités de substitution 


    Les chaussures fermées sont obligatoires (vieilles baskets, chaussons néoprène). 

    Prévoir une bouteille d'eau. 

    Temps ensoleillé : 

    - Maillot de bain et/ou tenue confortable

    - Chapeau, casquette, lunettes (avec cordon) et crème solaire.

    Temps nuageux ou frais :

    - Coupe vent

    - Vêtements chauds

    Attention : 

    – Les appareils photos, caméras, téléphones, clés de voiture ou tout autres objets qui tombent à l’eau ne sont jamais couverts par notre assurance.

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